Monday, November 24, 2008

Eventful Weekend!

This Friday we recieved a reverse 911 call telling us that we had to evacuate our house! A semi filled with propane had crashed on the highway right by our house. Propane was leaking out but because of the cooler temp. it was not evaporating it was going into the ground and they were afraid that it would get in to the sewer and possibly explode our homes! So I took Anderson and Adalayde down to Liesl's house. Anderson seemed like he was not feeling great but we did not have a choice since we could not be in our house. We got Anderson to bed and Adalayde was asleep. I thought that it would not be too bad we would stay at Liesl's that night and go home in the morning. They had told us that we could go home after midnight. Well, Anderson woke up very sad and precceded to vomit all over me, himself and Liesl's couch. Liesl cleaned up the couch and I tried to calm Anderson down. He would not stop crying and it was 11:30 at night. I decided enough was enough and loaded the kids in the car and went home! The next day Anderson woke up with a high fever and was wheezing so, off to the Dr. Yes, Anderson was very sick. They sent us to Primary Childrens to do a chest x-ray and for some viral cultures. Oh, I also have to speak in church tommorow! Turns out Anderson has RSV. We have him on steroids and lots of breathing treatments. He seems to be a little better today! We hope that he countinues to get better and that his mood continues to improve! We are hoping that he is well enought to go to Montana. We have been looking forward to some family time and having our daddy home with us! Adalayde seems to be healthy as of now. We pray that she stays well and does'nt get RSV. The picture is of Anderson when he was about 6 months old doing a breathing treatment!

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