Monday, April 5, 2010

Toilet Trained

Anderson was so easy to toilet train. He woke up one morning and told me he did not want to wear a diaper. I told him that was fine but if he had an accident in his basketball shorts he could not wear them the rest of the day. I had not really been thinking about toilet training so we did not have any underwear for him. So for two weeks he has gone camando.

Well, that went great until I put pajamas on him. He had an accident in them and i don't clean up accidents very well so those pajamas went straight to the big black stinky garbabge can outside. Anderson was not impressed to say the least.

Total he has had about four accidents in two weeks and no accidents for a week. I should have thought of the basktball shorts sooner. I should have know that Anderson would not want to ruin his basketball shorts.

We told him he could pick a gift for his big accomplishment. He decided that he wanted bases so that he could play baseball and on Friday we decided he deserved them so we went and bought them.

We are proud of Anderson, he is saving his mommy some cash by not using diapers. Yay for BIG BOY ANDERSON!


Chase said...

So, he decided that bases were cooler than basketball with Michael Jordan and golf with Tiger Woods?

Colleen said...

That is amazing--a boy toilet trained at 3 years old! What guy! What a funny story--no underwear!