Thursday, October 1, 2009

45 minute conversation

It has been cold here so we have been inside a lot. I am really freaking out about what we are going to do all winter!! Anyway, Anderson was downstairs shooting baskets and I was making dinner. He came upstairs and said mom I need basketball shoes! Oh good I thought, glad to hear that since all he has wore since May are his Keens and his frog boots. So I took him to his closet and got some tennis shoes out. No mom I need basketball shoes! I showed him another pair and this continued while we went through every pair of shoes in his closet. Now mind you I am trying to make dinner and I have to go to Young Woman so I like to have the dishes all done before I leave!

Anderson follows me into the kitchen and will not stop with the basketball shoes. He is not whining but he will not stop talking about it and I don't know what to tell him. He is pretty smart so he is sure that his mom has no idea what basketball shoes are! I have to say he is right I don't really know.

We had kids over to play earlier so I think one of them must have worn shoes that have a basketball on them. I must admit I am a little frightened by that thought! So I ask him if he wants shoes that have basketballs on them and he says no. So just to clarify I ask him again you just want shoes to play basketball in. Yup!

Great, lets call your dad. Anderson gets on speaker phone and tells Justin that he needs basketball shoes. Justin tells him that he will get him some and Anderson is thrilled. When Justin gets home he takes Anderson into our room and shows him some running shoes and some basketball shoes. Anderson immediately picks out the basketball shoes. He knows what he wants!

That night while he was in the bath he proceeds to tell me that he needs baseball shoes, golf shoes and soccer shoes! I told him he could pick one and he decided that he wants basketball shoes. I guess Justin and Anderson are going shopping on Saturday!

He has not forgotten that we have promised him basketball shoes and has told several people that he is getting them. He told his swimming teacher, Amber at Great Harvest who gives us our slice of bread after swimming lessons and Liesl and Tony!

1 comment:

camille said...

aw, cute!
that is so funny.
especially since i have never heard anderson say more than two words put together...