Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Must Have Items

This is Anderson in his favorite carrier. It was a Hotsling and I would fold his little body in half and squish him in. He loved it!! People would stop and look and ask if he was comfortable. Let me tell you Anderson would let you know if he was not happy!! I wanted Adalayde to like the sling like Anderson did because it held them so close. She will not go in it at all. She prefers to face out. That way her brother can entertain her!

It is funny how diffrenent my kids are. Anderson was in a carrier 24 hours a day because he cried if he was not.

I have loved having my kids in carriers. I carried Anderson in a carrier until I had Adalayde. People at the store would give me funny looks but I did'nt care because I loved having him so close. I tried to put him in one the other day. He liked it for about two seconds and then he was done. How sad my first baby is so grown up!

I think that for Adalaydes safety she will be carried for a long time!!

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