Friday, March 20, 2009

Anderson and the SCARE of my life

Have a sucker or maybe a frosting coated ice cream cone!

Anderson gave me the scare of my life while we were gone. We were staying in Deadwood at a small hotel. Luckily it was small. Anyway, Anderson was obsessed with the elevator. By the way, the person who makes elevators with the buttons low enough for kids to push them should be fired!!

So, one day as we are all meeting to go to breakfast, Anderson disappears. I thought Justin had him and he thought I had him. Anderson is very sneaky! I was scared but I could hear the alarm going off in the elevator. Frantically I pushed the button so the elevator would come to our floor, the 2nd floor. When the doors finally opened... NO ANDERSON!

I was freaking out, I started to cry and was running up and down flights of stairs screaming his name. Gabriel ran outside to make sure he was not on the street. My dad went to the first floor and Justin went to the third floor.

When my dad went to the first floor he asked the lady at the front desk if the place had a basement. She said yes but that nothing was down there. Well, there was a little something down there. While she was getting the key to stop the elevator it came to the first floor and guess who was on it? That stinker had gotten off in the basement and then gotten back on!

When I got down to the first floor I saw the best thing ever! My dad holding Anderson and he was safe. We figure he was gone for no more than five minutes but as a mother it felt like days.

I would like to say that it will never happen again but it did on the same trip. We took our positions quickly minus Gabe in the street and found him again on the first floor.

So, if you want to get Anderson a really great birthday gift you could put an elevator in our house with buttons low enough for him to reach, it would keep him entertained for hours!!

I DO LOVE MY BOY TONS!! He is a stinker but the best stinker in the WORLD!

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