Friday, March 27, 2009

This Week

Noah and Sam came and played Monday after school. Anderson was in HEAVEN he loved playing with his older cousins. They are so sweet with him. Noah especially is a trooper he spent the entire time doing what ever Anderson wanted. Getting dinner on the table was a breeze because Anderson was totally entertained

Adalayde got her first taste of asparagus and she loved it! It made a huge mesh but she ate two spears!

We went to the Children's museum! Anderson loves to go and play with the balls. I carry Adalayde in the carrier put Anderson on his monkey leash, I mean let him wear his monkey backpack and we are off. Oh, and we make sure to have hand sanitizer with us at all times!

We had a good week! Anderson still loves Kindermusik and swimming lessons. He is really improving and loves to swim. I have been going to Stake aerobics and Anderson goes to nursery with a girl named Maddie who watches the kids while we work out. He loves it! We have been spending a good portion of these winter months at the church. We have aerobics three days a week and then play group in the gym once a week. It has saved us this winter to have a place that Anderson can run around. We have also put our museum pass to good use as that also gets us of the house . We are looking forward to warm weather next week we hope and the ARRIVAL OF ALL OF OUR COUSINS!!


camille said...

hah! i love the picture of adalayde eating asparagus. mmm. i love it, too. she and i should have an asparagus party some time. ;)

Maris Scott said...

Adalayde would love to have an asparagus party with you! Then you could change her stinky asparagus pee diaper!

Maris Scott said...

Adalayde would love to have an asparagus party with you! Then you could change her stinky asparagus pee diaper!