Friday, April 24, 2009

All In A Week!

Anderson received a birthday gift from his Gram and Daddy toot. He got a baseball and a mitt and two outfits. He was most excited about the shirt that had a baseball, basketball, soccer ball and a football. What more could a kid want. He would not hold still for the picture but he truly loved his gifts. Adalayde also got some new bows and a cute book that she loves. Thanks to Gram and Daddy toot the gifts were a hit. Anderson and Adalayde are so very lucky to have so many grandparents and great grandparents who love them so much! They also received a wonderful table with an umbrella and benches from Machi for Easter. We have not put it together yet since we are saving it for the new house. My kids are going to feel like they are in heaven when we move and they will suddenly have a swing set, sandbox, tree house and a fenced in yard.
Adalayde got her first taste of beets this week. She loves beets but wow what a mess to clean up! The only way to clean her up is with a bath. So, that is exactly what we did. I put her in the kitchen sink in her bath and was cleaning up while she was playing. Well, the most disgusting thin happened. Remember I worked in a doctors office for years. I have seen and heard some gross stuff but this wins by far!! I look over and Adalayde is eating something. I pick her up out of the water to see what is in her mouth and hand. Much to my disgust she was eating her own POOP. Can you believe it? My sweet girl with poo in her mouth. Luckily she did not get sick. However it did make me throw up. Something I have not done since I was pregnant with her!

The weather has been so nice and all Anderson wants to do is play outside. He runs around shoots hoops, hits balls of the tee, rides his bike and drives his mini cooper. When it is all said and done and it is time to come in he has a total loss of control and freaks out. We also have been taking care of Pierce's turtle Mack. Anderson is a big fan of Mack and before we can leave our house Anderson has to say goodbye to the turtle. It is going to be sad for him next week when we give Mack back. We went to the Zoo this week with our friends the Schroepfers and Anderson loved it. He went on his first train ride at the Zoo and cried when we had to leave! I did not get pictures but he was so cute. I love watching him with other kids because he loves it so much!

We moved all the catering stuff out of the garage. It was perfect weather to do and we are glad to have that part of our move done. So my blogging days will probably be few and far between for the next month. We will be packing and getting ready to move. By this time next month we should be in our new house. We are so excited and will post pictures of the new house soon!

The kids are getting so big! Anderson is really starting to talk and it is making life a lot easier now that he can communicate a little better.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I knew what you were going to say about Adalyde eating her poop! That's how these kids build up their immune systems! I used to eat dirt in my driveway when I was growing up--go figure!