Friday, January 30, 2009

Adalayde Gets Cereal!

I have been putting off feeding Adalayde food for two reasons Allergies and Deniel. Mostly deniel, I can't believe that my little girl is 5 1/2 months old. With Anderson it was fun to move on to the next phase of life because it was new and exciting. With Adaladye it is not new, we have done it before and it is just a reminder that they are growing up to fast! I feel a little bit sad that I am no longer her only source of food. I am proud to say that my body has sustained her for over a year! I no longer can say that! I wanted to wait until she was six months but she appeared to be ready and my ped. thinks that some cereal might help her with her reflux. He tested her spit up and said that it indeed is acid and that she has reflux! Rather than start her medicine we decided to try cereal. We will see if it helps! While I was feeling sad about feeding her she was loving every minute of it. She did great, I guess it was a little bit exciting!

I read all my baby food books again and we will start using the babycook again! She will get to try squash next week. I hope to make all of her baby food. I made most of Andersons and am hoping to make all of Adalaydes.

She loves food, just like her mother!

She is so fun!!

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