Friday, January 23, 2009

The Amazing Shot!

A typical day with Adalayde conists of at least 3 outfits, 3-4 swaddle bankets, 5-6 bibs and a ton of burp clothes and a carrier or two. She spits up so much.

So today I had just dressed Adalayde and had her in the carrier so I could put on my make up. She was facing out and all of the sudden I heard the splat. Of course, all over the bathroom floor that I had just cleaned. When I looked to see the damage I found it. Right in the garbage can. Not on the floor, not on her and not on the carrier. Now, that is impressive! If only she could do that all the time!

We are enjoying our little girl so much! Anderson especially loves her. The other day we went to Costco and I had told Anderson that if he was good he could have a sucker. It worked wonders and he was so good. So when we got in the car I gave him his sucker. We started driving home and Adalayde started to fuss. All of the sudden she stopped so I did'nt think much about it. Well, when we got home I figured out why she had stopped. Anderson had given her his sucker! She has never had anything except breastmilk and now she had a big sucker in her mouth! She was thrilled and screamed bloody murder when I took it away. Hey at least it was an organic sucker and at least Anderson shared!

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