Saturday, January 10, 2009

Swaddle Time

For those of you who don't know Anderson had colic when he was a baby. Thanks to my Mom, sister, Aunts and Grandma who never dealt with colic I had no idea what to do. Cheri helped by telling me that all you could do is carry them. Yes, that was great advice and lead to the purchase of many slings and carriers. It worked like a charm! I also had to put him on a strict 3 hour schedule since the worst thing you can do for a baby with colic is feed them when they cry.

So while I was pregnanct with Adalayde I read two wonderful books. Baby Wise and The Happiest Baby On The Block. They said that you should swaddle your babies and that it would greatly reduce colic. So from day one Adalayde has been swaddled and is on a strict eating schedule. She has done wonderfully with this combination. When swaddled she knows that it is time to sleep and that is what she does. She sleeps for 10-12 hours at night!!

We found Aden and Anais blankets and they are the most amazing swaddle blankets. They are huge and are made of muslin so they are not to hot. Thanks to Erin and her family we just recieved 4 moreof these. Believe me they have already been put to very good use. Thanks for such a great gift!
What could be Sweeter?

You might ask, how long can you swaddle a baby? Well, here it is Anderson all swaddled up next to his sister. He was not a fan so it was pretty short lived but it made for a great picture.

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